
Just-In-Time Information

This habit will take me years to get proficient at. But it would be awesome if I do. This is probably the single most effective way to spent my time efficiently, however for me it is also the single most hardest habit to habituate.

Often times I consult YouTube to provide me a video for an explanation about a certain subject. When I do, YouTube is trying to make me watch YouTube videos all day long… Gladly smart people made a browser add-on called ‘DF Tube‘. This allows me to hide basically everything on the YouTube website except from the search bar, search results, and the video itself. This helps me not to click a suggested video

One person who seems to be good at only digesting Just in Time information is Elon Musk. His colleagues tell that when they work with him, he stays on topic. When he is at Tesla, he won’t be talking about Space X. Also, at one point Elon Musk got offered 30-minute call to talk about a new innovation which would be very useful for him in the future. He didn’t accept the call because he would never need that information if he didn’t succeed at what he did now.

Gradually I will implement more systems into my life to get good at this. Eventually it has to become a habit.

By Remco

Founder of Strive Journal